Workshops and Presentations

Upcoming Workshops and Presentations


Papers and Workshops presented in the last five years

  1.  Hastie, C. 2018 'Learning more than Facts: developing teamwork skills' presented at the Australian College of Midwives National Conference, Perth, October.
  2. Hastie, C. 2018 'TeamUP - a model for teaching teamwork skills' workshop presented at the Australian College of MIdwives National Conference, Perth, October.
  3. Hastie, C. 2018 'Groupwork Projects as a Crucible of Change for Learning Teamwork Skills' presented at the Trans-Tasman Transformation of Midwifery Practice Through Education Conference, Gold Coast, September.
  4. Hastie, C. 2017 ‘Holding Space for Birth: What do Midwives do?’ Keynote speaker Australian College of Midwives NT Conference, Darwin November
  5. Hastie, C. 2017 ‘Holding Space for Birth: What do Midwives do?’ Keynote speaker Midwifery Society Conference, Gold Coast May 5
  6. Hastie, C. 2017 ‘Supporting Midwives’ Invited speaker Passage to Motherhood Conference, CAPERS, Brisbane 11-12 May
  7. Hastie, C. 2017 ‘Intradermal Water Injections for Back Pain in Labour’ invited workshop presenter Passage to Motherhood Conference, CAPERS, Brisbane 11-12 May
  8. Hastie, C. 2016 Aftershock: What do we need to do now we know the extent of workplace bullying in midwifery? Invited speaker February, Online Midwifery Gold Conference
  9. Hastie, C. 2016 What’s the Polyvagal theory got to do with Breastfeeding invited speaker: presented at Turning the Tide for Birth at Breastfeeding May 2016, Warnambool, Vic.
  10. Hastie, C. 2016 Pronurturance Plus at birth: A risk reduction strategy for preventing postpartum haemorrhage invited speaker:  presented at Turning the Tide for Birth at Breastfeeding May 2016, Warnambool, Vic.
  11. Hastie, C. 2016 Life after reaching the summit; Advice to midwifery students from new graduate midwives invited speaker: presented at ACM Student Conference November 2016, Melbourne.
  12. Hastie, C. 2015 Masterclass on Physiological third stage of labour, Induction and Birth Territory at St Georges Hospital, London, UK.
  13. Hastie, C. 2015 “Bullying in Midwifery and Obstetrics – The effect on physiological birth” presented at Physiological Birth: Promoting Normality Conference, London, UK.
  14. Jones, T. Tuala, M. & Hastie, C. (2014) “Boosting Indigenous Midwifery Students Success” paper presented at the CATSINaM conference, Perth, September.
  15. Hastie, C (2014) “Where the psychological meets the physical - the psychophysiology of normal birth” Calmbirth Practitioners Conference, Melbourne, August.
  16. Hastie, C (2014) “Where the psychological meets the physical – tools for childbearing couples” workshop at Calmbirth Practitioners Conference, Melbourne, August.
  17. Hastie, C. Fahy, K. & Parratt, J. (2014) “How do Bachelor of Midwifery students evaluate their teamwork experiences?” Abstract of paper presented at Australian & New Zealand Association for Health Professional Educators conference. 7-10 July 2014, Gold Coast, Aust. Conference Handbook and Program
  18. Parratt, J., Fahy, K., H astie, C., Hutchinson, M., Lohmann, G., O’Brien, K., & Chaseling, M. (2014). Expert Validation of the TeamUP Rubric. Abstract of paper presented at Australian & New Zealand Association for Health Professional Educators conference. 7-10 July 2014, Gold Coast, Aust. Conference Handbook and Program, p.117.
  19. Saxton, A Fahy, K Rolfe, M Skinner, V & Hastie, C (2014) “What effect does skin to skin contact and early breastfeeding during 3rd & 4th stages of labour have on PPH rates?” 30th Triennial International Confederation of Midwives Congress in Prague, June.
  20. Hastie, C. & Fahy, K. & Parratt, J. (2014) “Learning to TeamUP” at the No2Bullying Conference, Gold Coast, Apri
  21. Hastie, C (2014) Perineal integrity and repair, Lismore Base Hospital
  22. Hastie, C & Simms, J. (2014) 2 Day Clinical Supervision workshop for midwifery facilitators, Grafton
  23. Hastie, C. (2013) Optimising third stage following waterbirth at the Waterbirth Conference, Mater Mothers Brisbane, November.
  24. Hastie, C, Fahy, K. & Parratt, J. (2013) How do we know if midwifery students are learning teamwork? Presented at the Biennial Australian College of Midwives Conference, Hobart, October.
  25. Hastie, C (2013) The sensitive clinical supervisor, for HETI, Master Class Series on Communication in Clinical Supervision: Newcastle, April 22nd and Wagga Wagga, May 7th.
  26. Hastie, C (2013) Minding the Fetus: Fetal programming, brain development, epigenetics and midwifery work; webinar for the Australian College of Midwives, April 30th.

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