Saturday 6 February 2010

Medical News: SMFM: Gene Variants Linked to Preterm Labor - in Meeting Coverage, SMFM from MedPage Today

Fascinating article

Medical News: SMFM: Gene Variants Linked to Preterm Labor - in Meeting Coverage, SMFM from MedPage Today

"Some women and fetuses carry gene variants that predispose them to the early onset of labor," Romero said.
The question we need to be asking is "what turns these gene variants 'on'?" and how can we keep them turned 'off'.

My hunch is that CRH is key to the inflammatory processes that do things to genetic switches.

What gets CRH fired up?

Embodied reactions (both conscious and other than conscious) to environmental stressors!

Hmm. Ina May Gaskin's Farm statistics are interesting and I had to put this article here to illustrate my thinking explained below.

Ina May Gaskin, Bonny Reid and her son

My theory and I know there is a lot of work to be done to 'prove' this 'scientifically', is that this is where one to one midwifery work is so beneficial. Authentic midwifery care, such as provided by midwives like Ina May Gaskin is an 'anxiolytic'. The kindly, loving relationship with a midwife the woman knows and trusts, helps a woman to stay calm, relaxed and feeling loved and through conversations and information sharing encourages the woman to eat well, exercise appropriately and minimise environmental toxins of all kinds - all of which serves to keep CRH stable and therefore physiology stable for optimal growth and functioning. My take on why the incidence of all that plagues pregnant women and their childbearing experience, such as preterm labour, pre-eclampsia, gestational diabetes, desultory labour etc ad infinitum, is lessened with good, one to one midwifery care.