Friday, 11 December 2009

Research finds the mum-bub bond may reduce neglect

Another study which provides insight into the importance of one to one midwifery. A midwife working in a primary health care, one to one relationship with a childbearing woman can provide a safe, supported and trusting 'space' where that woman (and her partner) can explore what having her baby means to her/them. In the context of that relationship, the midwife can promote prenatal bonding and breastfeeding, leading to an improved mother-child relationship.

"This study emphasises the need to address the basic, universal needs of children, and stresses the importance of this early mother-infant relationship.

"Strengthening this crucial relationship may help to prevent some of the long term consequences of neglect that we are seeing more commonly today, such as delinquency, crime, developmental delay and psychiatric disorders."

Research finds the mum-bub bond may reduce neglect

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