Friday 14 February 2020

Why the way maternity care is provided has to change!

You have to read this post!  It clearly demonstrates all that's wrong in contemporary maternity care.

Nathan is leaving the building and he is exactly the kind of obstetrician we need to help stop the madness of modern maternity 'care'.  

He writes: 
The life of a hospital-based OB/GYN is misery. Phone calls throughout the night to fix problems that we created through attempts to induce or intensify birth surges are a prime example of how our priorities have become totally ass-backwards.

Read on ... 
Click the link below to read Nathan's heartbreaking and yet inspiring reflection - he shows clearly what needs to  happen

Modern maternity care has become a self-fulfilling hampster wheel of fear and intervention, becoming more and more disabling for everyone involved.  Nathan nails it.  Let's change it.

We need to move entirely to woman-centred care; let's provide continuity of midwifery care; let's leave things alone until there are signs some help is needed - let's not break women's birth processes and then have to fix them.   Let's not use war metaphors for our practice - women don't need pre-emptive strikes, but they do need loving support, kindness and safe places to explore what becoming a mother means - as does her partner need the same care.

Let's do it and bring back Nathan and all the other Nathans and midwives who leave in disgust at home the system traumatises everyone.

The image below is from Nathan's Blog Post and I thought it apt, very apt ...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing this reflection Carolyn. It is a very impactful post!