Showing posts with label poverty. Show all posts
Showing posts with label poverty. Show all posts

Saturday 10 March 2012

Giving birth is not a competition

International Women's Day has been a powerful reminder of how far we've come as a species.

IWD has also shown how far we still have to go to create a social world where the vast majority of women and many men enjoy the human rights of sovereignty and social safety to live as they desire and deserve.

From delusions of being able to create the master race to the idea that you can reduce or even eliminate risk in life, medicine and science have sought to control and dominate nature.

Nowhere is this more apparent than in the area of reproduction and in particular, for western women. Western women have come under increasing surveillance, control and criticism from medical 'experts' and the population at large during childbearing and parenting.  Conflicting advice abounds creating confusion and distress for women, all of whom want the best for their babies and want to do 'the right thing'. Women are told on the one hand that the rate of stillbirth doubles after age 40 and so induction around 37 weeks is recommended. On the other hand, other experts say that babies born early around 37 - 38 weeks with induction of labour are at risk of health problems.

What's hard to reconcile with the constant negativity with what is a very normal, human activity is that evidence shows that medical error causes more death and disability to people in hospital than motor vehicle accidents, breast cancer or AIDS. You may note that childbirth doesn't get it a look in with the comparison because the real problems with childbirth, even those caused by intervention, are so low in the western world. The other disturbing fact about hospital culture is that people are afraid to report errors because they fear recrimination. So really, we don't know what actually goes on in hospitals. Our only clue in NSW for example, is the Mothers and Babies report and that is a broad brush view.

We do not know exactly what the rate of intervention in the birthing process is doing to developing brains and human relations, but there are some signals that there are detriments.

Various individuals and groups challenge medical domination of birth and the medical profession's dismissiveness of the social aspects. There are thankfully, some enlightened doctors championing "patient" centred care and calling on clinicians to "relinquish the role as the single, paternalistic authority."

Films such as the Face of Birth, which aim to defuse the hysteria and show the social view of humanity's most primal act, have a tough gig. The media's delight in traumatic tales, coupled with 'reality TV's' depiction of birth all flavour enhanced by the medical profession's staunch opposition to birth at home and midwifery care, especially in Australia, has led to public opinion becoming increasingly hostile and disapproving of those who choose other than the 'doctor in charge' status quo. As a result, western women are becoming increasingly fearful of birth.  They are increasingly feeling under 'siege', a state of perpetual fearfulness. What is not so well known is how 'fear' affects a person's physiology.  The biochemical correlate of fear is cortisol. There is a lot of work being done on the effect of cortisol on physiological functioning and brain development for the fetus. Prenatal programming is a burgeoning field of inquiry investigating how a person's lifetime risk of disease or health is actually 'set' in the womb and dependant upon the mother's social world. We need to really wake up to what that means.

Western women are also becoming increasingly insecure about their parenting, which for heaven's sake is hard enough without the avalanche of 'advice' and disapproval from all and sundry.  I have been reading the comments under the mass media's articles on birth at home and the different perspectives are fascinating and show how we all see life through our own lenses of beliefs and experiences.  What, however is alarming, is the punitive and nasty way that some people respond to people's choices.

The scorn and criticism heaped on women who choose to do things differently, no matter what 'norm' is being touted by whichever interest group, is horrendous and needs to stop.

Where a woman gives birth and who she gives birth with is her business. For anyone to think they care more about a woman's life and baby than she does is the height of ignorance and arrogance. Our job as a society is to support women's choices because the evidence is clear that when a women feels supported and has choices her cortisol level is lower and her physiology and therefore her baby's physiology is more likely to be 'normal'.

Birth is NOT a competition.

It is about feeling safe, supported and respected.  Interestingly, the outcomes, including those of maternal satisfaction, are very very good when that is the situation. On another note, so many people downplay the need for the woman to feel good after birth - the health and wellbeing of the family are enhanced when a woman feels loved, respected and cared for, so that should be the focus of society.  We need to ask ourselves where does she feel safe and how can we, as a society support her in that?

Meanwhile, in too many countries, women are dying in childbirth.  The current estimate is that around 1000 women die every day giving birth.  That statistic is shocking and, with the right conditions, preventable.  These statistics illustrate clearly the social determinants of health and disease. Women are dying because in their cultures, they are "nothing" - they are worthless in the eyes of their culture  - they are the possessions of their partners or parents; they have no access to contraception and often have (too) many children, their nutrition is very poor, they are dreadfully anaemic, in some areas have malaria, HIV/AIDS and live with domestic violence and the threat of more of it hanging over their heads. Their living conditions are harsh. If we use Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs to think about the social determinants of health, you can readily see that these women exist without even their basic human needs being met. No wonder the challenges of reproduction are sometimes too great for them.  These women do not have the best conditions at home to give birth there - even the hospitals are poorly equipped and lacking in staff, but at least there may be someone there, with some education and training, who can support them and help them give birth safely. We know that when there is a strong and capable midwifery profession,  childbearing women and their babies do well.  Capacity building midwifery education is one of AusAid's projects to improve maternal and neonatal wellbeing and decrease mortality and morbidity rates in PNG.

People in the western world who are so concerned with what childbearing women do and where they give birth need to turn their attention to the developing world and work on making it safer for all women and their children.  We are, after all, living in a global village. What affects one, affects us all.

Instead of making birth a "who's right or wrong' competition, let's make it about cooperation, compassion and support.

If we want a peaceful society and happy mothers and babies, we would do well to ensure women felt loved and cared for, respected and nurtured, fed good food, rested, kept away from bad news and surrounded by loving family and friends and able to give birth the way they want to, with people they know and trust around them.

Sunday 13 June 2010

Life, birth and death: The horror of poverty

This video from Time, on Maternal Mortality in Sierra Leone, the story of Mamma - one woman's journey from pregnancy to death is a heart wrenching portrayal of what is happening to too many women in
impoverished circumstances.

The Time photo montage shows a photo of young woman with a glazed, far away look on her face, intravenous therapy in her hand, lying on a trolley bed, a baby on a chair beside her.  The photo's caption says:
"Birthing Room
Forced to marry at age 14, Mamma Sessay first gave birth when she was 15. Three years later, at the age of 18, she gave birth to the first of a pair of twins near her village, but when the contractions ceased for the second child, she traveled by canoe and ambulance to the Magburaka Government Hospital, where she waits, in the photo above, to deliver".
Read more at Time Photos: Maternal Mortality in Sierra Leone

The video of Mamma Sessay's life and death experience is recorded and reproduced here:

Video: Maternal Mortality in Sierra Leone

Poverty and the associated lack of clean water, sanitation, good food, contraception, respect for women, education, family planning, antenatal care, being married too young, having babies too early - the list goes on and on, is the real problem. The other real problem is social apathy and feelings of helplessness about women's lot in disadvantaged situations. Labour and birth are peak and demanding activities. Women do best when they are well nourished, well hydrated, informed, have good midwifery care during pregnancy, labour and postnatal period, are having babies when they want to, have been well prepared for labour and birth, are able to labour and birth with loved ones around and able to access good medical care if and when required.

The article in Time, called The perils of pregnancy is horrific, but the emphasis is wrong. The emphasis should be on the perils of poverty.

Why are our governments spending our hard earned tax dollars on war for oil, when we could spend our money on making life better for our brothers and sisters across the world. With a different way of looking at world affairs we could save the lives of women like Mamma.

There are some good signs. According to Dr Margaret Chan, Director-General of the World Health Organisation, in her opening address on behalf of eight organizations at the Women Deliver 2010 Ministers Forum Washington, DC, USA  on the 7th June 2010

"Domestic resources and donor funds are making a real difference to the lives of millions. The number of children dying before reaching their fifth birthday has been falling for several years. We are now seeing early signs of progress in reducing the number of women dying in pregnancy and child birth, in addition to the achievements in HIV, TB and malaria".
and added

"This progress is most welcome, but is fragile, uneven, inequitable and inadequate. Far too many women and children continue to die needlessly"

calling for a world wide, coordinated effort and finances, including:

"government leadership of inclusive partnerships at country and global levels to design, implement and monitor the commitments and promises of all stakeholders".

Letter writing and political activism required. 

What do you think?